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2015 Publications


Is there an increased risk of second primary malignancy after diagnosis of thyroid cancer?

Mathur A, Schneider EB, Zeiger MA.

Cancer. 2015 Jan 15;121(2):166-8.

Doing more: trends in breast cancer surgery, 2005 to 2011.

Lucas DJ, Sabino J, Shriver CD, Pawlik TM, Singh DP, Vertrees AE.

Am Surg. 2015 Jan;81(1):74-80.

Prevalence, impact, and risk factors for hospital-acquired conditions after major surgical resection for cancer: a NSQIP analysis.

Molena DMungo BStem MFeinberg RLLidor AO.

J Gastrointest Surg. 2015 Jan;19(1):142-51; discussion 151.

Outcomes after emergency general surgery at teaching versus nonteaching hospitals.

Zafar SN1, Shah AAHashmi ZGEfron DTHaut ERSchneider EBSchwartz DVelopulos CGCornwell EE 3rdHaider AH.

J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Jan;78(1):69-76; discussion 76-7.


Mortality benefits of different hemodialysis access types are age dependent.

Hicks CWCanner JKArhuidese IZarkowsky DSQazi UReifsnyder TBlack JH 3rdMalas MB.

J Vasc Surg. 2015 Feb;61(2):449-56.


How do liquid-based preparations of thyroid fine-needle aspiration compare with conventional smears? An analysis of 5475 specimens.

Nagarajan N, Schneider EB, Ali SZ, Zeiger MA, Olson MT.

Thyroid. 2015 Mar;25(3):308-13. 

Fenestrated endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms is associated with increased morbidity but comparable mortality with infrarenal endovascular aneurysm repair.

Glebova NO, Selvarajah S, Orion KC, Black JH 3rd, Malas MB, Perler BA, Abularrage CJ.

J Vasc Surg. 2015 Mar;61(3):604-10.


Unmet surgical needs in children: a household survey in Nepal.

Nagarajan N, Gupta S, Shresthra S, Varadaraj V, Devkota S, Ranjit A, Kushner AL, Nwomeh BC.

Pediatr Surg Int. 2015 Apr;31(4):389-95.

Presence of haptoglobin-2 allele is associated with worse functional outcomes after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.

Murthy SBLevy APDuckworth JSchneider EBShalom HHanley DFTamargo RJNyquist PA.

World Neurosurg. 2015 Apr;83(4):583-7. 

Smoking is not associated with severe dysplasia or invasive carcinoma in resected intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms.

Rezaee NKhalifian SCameron JLPawlik TMHruban RHFishman EKMakary MALennon AMWolfgang CLWeiss MJ.

J Gastrointest Surg. 2015 Apr;19(4):656-65. 


The sleepy surgeon: does night-time surgery for trauma affect mortality outcomes?

Zafar SNLibuit LHashmi ZGHughes KGreene WRCornwell EE 3rdHaider AHFullum TMTran DD.

Am J Surg. 2015 Apr;209(4):633-9. 

Outcomes of trauma care at centers treating a higher proportion of older patients: the case for geriatric trauma centers.

Zafar SNObirieze ASchneider EBHashmi ZGScott VKGreene WREfron DTMacKenzie EJCornwell EE 3rdHaider AH.

J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Apr;78(4):852-9.

Racial/ethnic disparities in emergency general surgery: explained by hospital-level characteristics?

Hall ECHashmi ZGZafar SNZogg CKCornwell EE 3rdHaider AH.

Am J Surg. 2015 Apr;209(4):604-9.


Conditions, preventable deaths, procedures and validation of a countrywide survey of surgical care in Nepal.

Gupta S, Shrestha S, Ranjit A, Nagarajan N, Groen RS, Kushner AL, Nwomeh BC.

Br J Surg. 2015 May;102(6):700-7. 

Diagnostic Frequency Ratios Are Insufficient to Measure Laboratory Precision with The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology.

Fazeli R, Schneider EB, Ali SZ, Zeiger MA, Olson MT.

Acta Cytol. 2015;59(3):225-32. Epub 2015 May 28.

Unconscious race and social class bias among acute care surgical clinicians and clinical treatment decisions.

Haider AH, Schneider EB, Sriram N, Dossick DS, Scott VK, Swoboda SM, Losonczy L, Haut ER, Efron DT, Pronovost PJ, Lipsett PA, Cornwell EE 3rd, MacKenzie EJ, Cooper LA, Freischlag JA.

JAMA Surg. 2015 May;150(5):457-64.

Trends in incidence and severity of sports-related traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the emergency department, 2006-2011.

Haring RS, Canner JK, Asemota AO, George BP, Selvarajah S, Haider AH, Schneider EB.

Brain Inj. 2015;29(7-8):989-92. Epub 2015 May 12.

Traumatic brain injury in the elderly: morbidity and mortality trends and risk factors.

Haring RS, Narang K, Canner JK, Asemota AO, George BP, Selvarajah S, Haider AH, Schneider EB.

J Surg Res. 2015 May 1;195(1):1-9.

Trends in incident hemodialysis access and mortality.

Malas MBCanner JKHicks CWArhuidese IJZarkowsky DSQazi USchneider EBBlack JH 3rdSegev DLFreischlag JA.

JAMA Surg. 2015 May;150(5):441-8. 

The EFFORT trial: Preoperative enoxaparin versus postoperative fondaparinux for thromboprophylaxis in bariatric surgical patients: a randomized double-blind pilot trial.

Steele KECanner JProkopowicz GVerde FBeselman AWyse RChen JStreiff MMagnuson TLidor ASchweitzer M.

Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2015 May-Jun;11(3):672-83. 


Secondary overtriage in pediatric trauma: can unnecessary patient transfers be avoided?

Goldstein SD, Van Arendonk K, Aboagye JK, Salazar JH, Michailidou M, Ziegfeld S, Lukish J, Stewart FD, Haut ER, Abdullah F.

J Pediatr Surg. 2015 Jun;50(6):1028-31.

National trends in the use of surgery for benign hepatic tumors in the United States.

Kim Y, Amini N, He J, Margonis GA, Weiss M, Wolfgang CL, Makary M, Hirose K, Spolverato G, Pawlik TM.

Surgery. 2015 Jun;157(6):1055-64.

Outcome of delirium in critically ill patients: systematic review and meta-analysis.

Salluh JI, Wang HSchneider EBNagaraja NYenokyan GDamluji ASerafim RBStevens RD.

BMJ. 2015 Jun 3;350:h2538. 

Early versus late hospital readmission after pancreaticoduodenectomy.

Schneider EBCanner JKGani FKim YEjaz ASpolverato GPawlik TM.

J Surg Res. 2015 Jun 1;196(1):74-81. 

Racial/Ethnic Disparities Associated With Initial Hemodialysis Access.

Zarkowsky DSArhuidese IJHicks CWCanner JKQazi UObeid TSchneider EAbularrage CJFreischlag JAMalas MB.

JAMA Surg. 2015 Jun;150(6):529-36. 


Effect of Mandatory Centers of Excellence Designation on Demographic Characteristics of Patients Who Undergo Bariatric Surgery.

Bae J, Shade J, Abraham A, Abraham B, Peterson L, Schneider EB, Magnuson TH, Schweitzer MA, Steele KE.

JAMA Surg. 2015 Jul;150(7):644-8.

Helping Meet Surgical Needs in Under-resourced Settings: The Role of Task Shifting.

Nagarajan N, Varadaraj V.

JAMA Surg. 2015 Jul;150(7):687-8.

Beyond incidence: Costs of complications in trauma and what it means for those who pay.

Haider AH, Gupta S, Zogg CK, Kisat MT, Schupper A, Efron DT, Haut ER, Obirieze AC, Schneider EB, Pronvost PJ, MacKenzie EJ, Cornwell EE 3rd.

Surgery. 2015 Jul;158(1):96-103. 

Hospital-Level Factors Associated With Mortality After Endovascular and Open Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.

Hicks CW, Wick EC, Canner JK, Black JH 3rd, Arhuidese I, Qazi U, Obeid T, Freischlag JA, Malas MB.

JAMA Surg. 2015 Jul;150(7):632-6.

Operative delay to laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Racking up the cost of health care.

Schwartz DAShah AAZogg CKNicholas LHVelopulos CGEfron DTSchneider EBHaider AH.

J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Jul;79(1):15-21.


The age effect in increasing operative mortality following delay in elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.

Arhuidese IJ, Salami A, Obeid T, Qazi U, Abularrage CJ, Black JH, Perler B, Malas MB.

Ann Vasc Surg. 2015 Aug;29(6):1181-7. 

The impact of resident involvement on surgical outcomes among patients undergoing hepatic and pancreatic resections.

Ejaz A, Spolverato G, Kim Y, Wolfgang CL, Hirose K, Weiss M, Makary MA, Pawlik TM.

Surgery. 2015 Aug;158(2):323-30.

Incremental Cost of Emergency Versus Elective Surgery.

Haider AH, Obirieze A, Velopulos CG, Richard P, Latif A, Scott VK, Zogg CK, Haut ER, Efron DT, Cornwell EE 3rd, MacKenzie EJ, Gaskin DJ.

Ann Surg. 2015 Aug;262(2):260-6.

Emergency department presentation, admission, and surgical intervention for colonic diverticulitis in the United States.

Schneider EBSingh ASung JHassid BSelvarajah SFang SHEfron JELidor AO.

Am J Surg. 2015 Aug;210(2):404-7. 

Quality Improvement Targets for Regional Variation in Surgical End-Stage Renal Disease Care.

Zarkowsky DS1, Hicks CW2, Arhuidese I2, Canner JK2, Obeid T2, Qazi U2, Schneider E2, Abularrage CJ2, Black JH 3rd2, Freischlag JA3, Malas MB2.

JAMA Surg. 2015 Aug;150(8):764-70.

Influence of body mass index on outcomes after major resection for cancer.

Zogg CKMungo BLidor AOStem MRios Diaz AJHaider AHMolena D.

Surgery. 2015 Aug;158(2):472-85.


A nationwide analysis of the use and outcomes of perioperative epidural analgesia in patients undergoing hepatic and pancreatic surgery.

Amini N, Kim Y, Hyder O, Spolverato G, Wu CL, Page AJ, Pawlik TM.

Am J Surg. 2015 Sep;210(3):483-91.

Trends in Hospital Volume and Failure to Rescue for Pancreatic Surgery.

Amini N, Spolverato G, Kim Y, Pawlik TM.

J Gastrointest Surg. 2015 Sep;19(9):1581-92.

The Role of Public Health in a Global Surgery Fellowship.

Boeck MA, Nagarajan N, Swaroop M.

J Surg Educ. 2015 Sep-Oct;72(5):776-7.

Diaspora engagement in humanitarian emergencies and beyond.

Nagarajan N, Smart B, Nwadiuko J.

Lancet. 2015 Sep 12;386(9998):1015-6.

The role of fiber supplementation in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Nagarajan N, Morden A, Bischof D, King EA, Kosztowski M, Wick EC, Stein EM.

Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Sep;27(9):1002-10.

Assessment of postdischarge complications after bariatric surgery: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program analysis.

Chen SY, Stem M, Schweitzer MA, Magnuson TH, Lidor AO.

Surgery. 2015 Sep;158(3):777-86. 

Clinical presentation of patients with a thyroid follicular neoplasm: are there preoperative predictors of malignancy?

Najafian A, Olson MT, Schneider EB, Zeiger MA.

Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Sep;22(9):3007-13.

Early versus late readmission after surgery among patients with employer-provided health insurance.

Kim Y, Gani F, Lucas DJ, Ejaz A, Spolverato G, Canner JK, Schneider EB, Pawlik TM.

Ann Surg. 2015 Sep;262(3):502-11; discussion 509-11. 

Hospitalization for esophageal achalasia in the United States.

Molena DMungo BStem MLidor AO.

World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2015 Sep 25;7(13):1096-102. 

Organizational Culture Changes Result in Improvement in Patient-Centered Outcomes: Implementation of an Integrated Recovery Pathway for Surgical Patients.

Wick ECGalante DJHobson DBBenson ARLee KHBerenholtz SMEfron JEPronovost PJWu CL.

J Am Coll Surg. 2015 Sep;221(3):669-77; quiz 785-6.


Early hospital readmission after bariatric surgery.

Aman MW, Stem M, Schweitzer MA, Magnuson TH, Lidor AO.

Surg Endosc. 2015 Oct 19.

Awareness of racial/ethnic disparities in surgical outcomes and care: factors affecting acknowledgment and action.

Britton BV, Nagarajan N, Zogg CK, Selvarajah S, Schupper AJ, Kironji AG, Lwin AT, Cerullo M, Salim A, Haider AH.

Am J Surg. 2015 Oct 29. 

Rethinking Priorities: Cost of Complications After Elective Colectomy.

Zogg CK, Najjar P, Rios Diaz AJ, Zogg DL, Tsai TC, Rose JA Jr, Scott JW, Gani F, Alshaikh H, Nagarajan N, Canner JK, Schneider EB, Goldberg JE, Haider AH.

Ann Surg. 2015 Oct 31.

National trends with a laparoscopic liver resection: results from a population-based analysis.

He J, Amini N, Spolverato G, Hirose K, Makary M, Wolfgang CL, Weiss MJ, Pawlik TM.

HPB (Oxford). 2015 Oct;17(10):919-26.

Do trauma center levels matter in older isolated hip fracture patients?

Nelson-Williams HKodadek LCanner JSchneider EEfron DHaut EShafiq BHaider AVelopulos CG.

J Surg Res. 2015 Oct;198(2):468-74. 

Elevated relative risk of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with colder weather in the mid-Atlantic region.

Rivera-Lara LKowalski RGSchneider EBTamargo RJNyquist P.

J Clin Neurosci. 2015 Oct;22(10):1582-7.

Intraoperative Assessment of Final Margins with a Handheld Optical Imaging Probe During Breast-Conserving Surgery May Reduce the Reoperation Rate: Results of a Multicenter Study.

Zysk AMChen KGabrielson ETafra LMay Gonzalez EACanner JKSchneider EBCittadine AJScott Carney PBoppart SATsuchiya KSawyer K,Jacobs LK.

Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Oct;22(10):3356-62.


Differences in the Prevalence of Obesity, Smoking and Alcohol in the United States Nationwide Inpatient Sample and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Al Kazzi ES, Lau B, Li T, Schneider EB, Makary MA, Hutfless S.

PLoS One. 2015 Nov 4;10(11):e0140165. 

Undertriage of older trauma patients: is this a national phenomenon?

Kodadek LM, Selvarajah S, Velopulos CG, Haut ER, Haider AH.

J Surg Res. 2015 Nov;199(1):220-9.

Sex- and age-based variation in transfusion practices among patients undergoing major surgery.

Valero-Elizondo JSpolverato GKim YWagner DEjaz AFrank SMPawlik TM.

Surgery. 2015 Nov;158(5):1372-81.


Military-to-civilian translation of battlefield innovations in operative trauma care.

Haider AH, Piper LC, Zogg CK, Schneider EB, Orman JA, Butler FK, Gerhardt RT, Haut ER, Mather JP, MacKenzie EJ, Schwartz DA, Geyer DW, DuBose JJ, Rasmussen TE, Blackbourne LH.

Surgery. 2015 Dec;158(6):1686-95.

Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Emergency Service Triage Patterns and the Associated Emergency Department Outcomes.

Selvarajah S, Haider AH, Schneider EB, Sadowsky CL, Becker D, Hammond ER.

J Neurotrauma. 2015 Dec 15;32(24):2008-16.


Analgesic Access for Acute Abdominal Pain in the Emergency Department Among Racial/Ethnic Minority Patients: A Nationwide Examination.

Shah AA, Zogg CK, Zafar SN, Schneider EB, Cooper LA, Chapital AB, Peterson SM, Havens JM, Thorpe RJ Jr, Roter DL, Castillo RC, Salim A, Haider AH.

Med Care. 2015 Dec;53(12):1000-9


United States trends in thrombolysis for older adults with acute ischemic stroke.

George BP, Asemota AO, Dorsey ER, Haider AH, Smart BJ, Urrutia VC, Schneider EB.

Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015 Dec;139:16-23.


MicroRNA Expression and Association with Clinicopathologic Features in Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Systematic Review.

Aragon Han P, Weng CH, Khawaja HT, Nagarajan N, Schneider EB, Umbricht CB, Witwer KW, Zeiger MA.

Thyroid. 2015 Dec;25(12):1322-9.


Morbidity or mortality? Variations in trauma centres in the rescue of older injured patients.

Zafar SN, Shah AA, Zogg CK, Hashmi ZG, Greene WR, Haut ER, Cornwell EE 3rd, Haider AH.

Injury. 2015 Dec 17. 


Vascular access modifies the protective effect of obesity on survival in hemodialysis patients.

Arhuidese IJ, Obeid T, Hicks C, Qazi U, Botchey I, Zarkowsky DS, Reifsnyder T, Malas MB.

Surgery. 2015 Dec;158(6):1628-34.

Proxy measures of vitamin D status – season and latitude – correlate with adverse outcomes after bariatric surgery in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, 2001–2010: a retrospective cohort study.

Peterson LA, Canner JK, Cheskin LJ, Prokopowicz GP, Schweitzer MA, Magnuson TH, Steele KE

Obesity Science & Practice. 2015 Dec; 1(2): 88–96.

Below-knee endovascular interventions have better outcomes compared to open bypass for patients with critical limb ischemia.

Hicks CW, Najafian A, Farber A, Menard MT, Malas MB, Black JH 3rd, Abularrage CJ.

Vasc Med. 2016 Dec 6. pii: 1358863X16676901. [Epub ahead of print]


A Faculty-Student Mentoring Program to Enhance Collaboration in Public Health Research in Surgery.

Smart BJ, Haring RS, Zogg CK, Diener-West M, Schneider EB, Haider AH, Haut ER.

JAMA Surg. 2016 Dec 14.[Epub ahead of print]

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