Student Spotlight: Dominique VervoortWelcome back. We wanted to introduce you to some of our JSCOR students and activities that they have been up to over the Winter Term at...
What are JSCOR Students Up To?One thing we want to share through this blog, is giving insight into what it is like being an MPH student at the JHSPH, while still being...
Welcome Back!Welcome back to the JSCOR Blog! We wanted to take the chance to reintroduce ourselves to the interwebs. First, what is JSCOR? JSCOR...
Student Spotlight: Nino NastasiIn this edition of Student Spotlight, Nino Nastasi describes his experiences as a Johns Hopkins School of Public Health MHS student...
Student spotlight: Sarah KaslowIn this inaugural post of the JSCOR blog reboot, Sarah Kaslow describes her experiences as a Johns Hopkins School of Public Health MPH...
JSCOR visits the State DepartmentOn October 9, 2015, JSCOR postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Neeraja Nagarajan, was invited to the US State Department to present at the Global...
Cost of AKI after CABG/VRS: almost $1bn JSCOR post-doctoral fellow, Dr. Husain AlShaikh, made a presentation last week at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress in...
JSCOR fellow organizes seminar in IndiaJSCOR fellow Dr. Neeraja Nagarajan helped organize a research seminar and workshop in India recently. The two-day seminar was focused on...
JSCOR fellow published in The LancetJSCOR post-doctoral fellow and member of the diaspora, Dr. Neeraja Nagarajan, along with colleagues, has written a timely piece for The...
JSCOR fellow presents at AASTJSCOR post-doctoral fellow, Dr. Hatim AlSulaim, is in Las Vegas this week attending the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma...